Air, Water, Earth, Fire

All about life ...Air, Water, Earth, Fire

Saturday 4 September 2010

Out and about

On the roundabout-swing Ostia-Roma

Morgana and I at a cafe in Bromley...

After a day at the beach- Ostia- last summer

Roma - Campidoglio- last summer

Io e Rome...somewhere...very early morning!

Morgana and Lotta a couple of years ago, walking in the Cator Estate - Blackheath

Art studio's Tea Garden in Brighton summer 2010 ( Morgana with Freddie )

Dulwich College: Jonathan's new JOB!

Morgana, Poppy, and in the background jem with the pond in Greenwich park - summer 2010

Blackheath summer 2010- The kite festival

At Manor House Library ( Morgana, Zoe and Flora)

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