Air, Water, Earth, Fire

All about life ...Air, Water, Earth, Fire

Saturday 4 September 2010

Arty Time

Inspiration and creative time at Hawkwood College
a very special place where learning and sharing happens in a relaxed environment...each time I go there I come home richer...

See the top left window? That was my room!...What a view from there!
A beautiful Gloucestershire valley, with gentle hills all around and the woods to the left and obviously Hawkwood's own garden...

A mixture of lectures and practical work with various crafts, learning about Waldorf education and training in Early Years Steiner education...

Painting, wool crafts such as felting, willow basket making and much more... This college was hosting the London Early Years Tracher's Training-
For me this course is more about inner development and my own journey
Meanwhile I've been working with some amazing people and in lovely places with gorgeus children...

Hawkwood College has been on and off my 'home' as it has a very homely feeling but more because I have made it my home as each place that is dear to me has a peace of my heart...

These are some samples of the amazing creative work me and my college friends
the nearly finished wet felting

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