Air, Water, Earth, Fire

All about life ...Air, Water, Earth, Fire

Sunday 5 September 2010

how to get your child to help you in the house

This one is a bit tricky...but it is true that very often I suggest doing something in the house the children I look after are just pleased to help and join in willingly...On the other hand, just telling them to tidy up makes them simply say either 'No!', or 'Not now, please...I am still ...(playing)', or 'Later'...; also, when in a funny mood the answer could be 'Why?'
The thing is that I like it tidy and the children know this and ...although I am not 'anal' about it, I get on with it in a matter of fact is what I do...I tidy and clean..I can't cook if the kitchen is not tidy and clean...
There are simple every day rules like make the the windows for fresh air...etc...common sense...routines...they make a house homely, livable, acceptable...healthy.
The clue is in the mood: how do I do these things around the house? Do I take pleasure, pride? Or do I just do it in a bad mood and hurry through the tasks? These things the children perceive and inherit eventually...

Find Time ...make yourself a feel at home...

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