Air, Water, Earth, Fire

All about life ...Air, Water, Earth, Fire

Friday 3 September 2010

all about Blackheath and Greenwich

Well...we are here at the centre of the Earth, I mean, the middle, I mean...the 0 meridian ...although Blackheath is slightly to the east of Greenwich... My 'front garden' is Manor House Park and my 'back garden' is Greenwich Park!
On a free day we could easily stroll towards the library and see the pond and get a drink at the cafe on the way home pop in the supermarket ..or even better go to farmer's market...
Blackheath has a 'continental' feeling with the shops and the cafe and the common...or rather, the amazing place where there is more sky than any other part of london I know...
and in the distance...the twinkly light on the top point of the 'pyramid' roof of Canary Wharf...the little 'New York City'! Greenwich is indeed such a unique place...

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