Air, Water, Earth, Fire

All about life ...Air, Water, Earth, Fire

Sunday, 26 September 2010

Autumn festivals

I know it is soon the pumpkin festivals and thing at the time please, Michael's Dragon just passed and we can still smell the Harvest Soup and bread...then there's the first bonfires and roasting chestnuts...well pretty much for the next three months...oh....and nice vanilla and cinnamon cookies dipped in hot chocolate...hang on hang on...the leaves only just started falling!!!
But what is it with this world around us spinning faster than ever as if it wants to catch up with the future so much...what is next on the list becomes important...there is no rush...NO RUSH! STOP...and enjoy the in the NOW...more than anything doi it for the sake of your child too....avoid going to shops because they throw it at your face...HALLOWEEN masks and pumpkin fun and CHRISTMAS CARDS already!!!!!STOP, for GOD'S SAKE .........................................!!!!
anyway I thought that you can SLOWLY get ready for the mood of the festivals understanding their meaning, the anticipation, or the journey we take to go there...when it is gradually getting darker each day a bit is never is gradual...people just don't take notice...I think Autumn ( and Spring ) are the so called seasons in between, like a transition...Autumn is all about gathering, the energies going downwards and inwards to Mother's the gradual slowing down......after the excitment of the Summer where we were dancing with the Sun and we were away with the fairies...!Summer time is where we experience what is like to feel not grounded...then Autumn comes and we land on the ground and become each day more grounded...

Have alook at this link with my favourite blog:

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