Air, Water, Earth, Fire

All about life ...Air, Water, Earth, Fire

Sunday 19 September 2010

Greenwich life...

Sleep is what we need most of during transition periods like the change of seasons. Wrap up warm too.

Today I woke up after a long sleep...what a luxury to be able to stay in bed until 8.45! when I am usually up at 6.30 am every morning. After a bit of cleaning and tidying up I am going to swim with my daughter...I am going to Greenwich Park today to collect little 'treasures' ...we'll see....I'll keep you posted!

two weeks ago I had the luxury to have a thursday morning all to myself as my nanny job started from last I went to ST ALFEGE ( photo ) to listen to a piano recital...there was a young pianist from the Trinity college playing Bach, Mozart, what a treat! For your knowledge, these are lunch time concerts at 1.00 every Thursday and they are free! ( Donations )

The Church interiors are beautiful and the golden Autumn light at this time of the year makes it even more gorgeous inside...

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