Air, Water, Earth, Fire

All about life ...Air, Water, Earth, Fire

Sunday 12 June 2011

A walk in the woods

Sunday 12 June 2011

A walk in the woods in the invigorating....We love muddy boots and pitter patter raindrops sound through the leaves...oh, and thanks the trees we didn't get that wet! So it was fun...
nevertheless to have such a cool day in June is strange!
The plants and the grass were thirsty and grateful indeed...

And we were happy to be there, in Oxleas Woods of course, where else? I practillay live there!

So, here is the proof of our wet walk!

Take a walk on the wild side...

doo doo do bee doo bee doo

 This is Morgana's secret Den, ooops, not so secret anymore...
oh but you don't know where it is!

Morgana's new Hunter's boots bought today!

shelter from rain...

And we made sure all our fairy houses were still good...

time to go back and say good bye...after two hours walk...

Oxleas Woods is fun!

Susannah and Morgana 12 June 2011

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