Air, Water, Earth, Fire

All about life ...Air, Water, Earth, Fire

Friday 10 June 2011

Magic of the wood and my wild projects...


I feel more and more at home in these woods...
I get inspired by unusual twigs, logs, stones and plants and get inspired...

I love mossy logs!

Leaves by The Lodge, after a shower! Pitter patter raindrops...

During personal visits and group visits ( I run my own Outdoor Group for parents and children, I especially welcome home educating families, Fridays 10 to 12 am)

This was 10 days ago...this is one of our favourite secret play area in the woods...Morgana and little friend...


Today we collected stones, cones, sticks and logs...moss leaves, etc...
look at the result:
my little Fairy houses....the latest of my wild projects!

have a little peep...

Now we just wait for the fairies to come and see what we made for them!

And in a few days I will go and see
if The Thunderstorm today ruined the lovely houses...! I will take more pics!

Watch this space...or come to the woods with me...Sunday 12th at around 3 pm...


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