Air, Water, Earth, Fire

All about life ...Air, Water, Earth, Fire

Saturday, 18 June 2011


The Moon, full Moon, wow...what a Moon!

read these extracts from experts...


This is a very powerful and unique occasion! Not only is there a full moon in Sagittarius tonight, there is also a total lunar eclipse occurring!! The effects may make us feel more passionate than ever about our beliefs. The full moon stands in the tension between the sun and the earth. Her full-faced brilliance turned toward the earth releasing all the sun-kissed energy absorbed during the New Moon. It is sort of like a tug of war between the earth and the sun. So you may find yourself caught between your passions and old patterns of thinking.
To add to this forceful energy, there is also going to be a TOTAL lunar eclipse on the same day. During a total lunar eclipse, the sun and moon line up in such a way that the moon is completely covered by the earth’s shadow. Eclipses are powerful times for great transformation! Its energy helps reveal those areas in your life that may be calling for transformation.This is an epic event where paradigms will surely change! There will be big changes in the world according to astrologer Christopher Witecki. This lunar eclipse will ask us to change our minds and open our hearts to our deepest passions. It will ask our minds to get on board with our heart’s desires.

Full Moon Release

With the full moon and eclipse energy swirling among us, this is an excellent time to release those things that no longer serve you. Full Moon rituals may include writing a letter or list of everything you want to let go of and clear out in your life. What is CLEARLY NOT working anymore? What could you let go of? Is there anything that feels like it is holding you back? What would you like to change?After you have completed your list, you can tear it up, flush it down the toilet, burn it, whatever you feel, but make sure it is a symbolic gesture that represents releasing and letting go…

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