Air, Water, Earth, Fire

All about life ...Air, Water, Earth, Fire

Sunday 10 April 2011


Listen to the sound of the Earth
My body resonates
Listen to the sound of Water
My blood flowing
Listen to the sound of the Air
My breath warming
See the Fire burning
My Spirit rising


I belong
I am who I am
This dancing Soul
Bathed in Light
Free to move
To this rhythm inside me
And around me
And every living thing
Feeiling the Pulse
Bathing in Love and Light

I belong to the world
I am Love


Deep Peace
Deep Silence
Love flowing downwards
To the centre of the Earth
Connecting me
Pulling me , pushing me
Pulling me upwards
To the Heavens above
Fire and Light
Warming sun
Love flowing
My heart growing
Pulsating heart
One sound
One pulse
The rhythm of the Universe


Prayer for a small child

Light may steam into your being
Light can dwell within you
 With my Love and Warmth
   I unite with its rays
I think my best thoughts of Joy
On the stirrings in your heart
   They shall strengthen you.
     They shall carry you.

( extract from a parayer by Rudolf Steiner)

Welcome Spring

Shadow follow
Silver Willow
Green on Grey
Wintry winds blowing
And frosty mornings are past
Gone so fast the shorter day
The memories now buried
With sweet scents of blossom
Songs of birds, Oh so awesome
My steps quick and hurried
There is much to do and to see
The rays of the first Sun warming me

Welcome Spring!

Breeze of light
Air fresh morning bright
Welcome Sun!
Almost forgotten joyful feeling
Gentle first and then so bold
I stretch out, my hands receiving
Bathing, rejoycing, I hold
Its light, eyes shut tight
Reflecting out to the World - Light shower
I smile, my heart opens like a flower.

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