Air, Water, Earth, Fire

All about life ...Air, Water, Earth, Fire

Friday, 22 April 2011

La dolce vite

No, no mistake in Italian grammar...: la vite is waistline and dolce is sweet, and although I have eaten too much in Rome last week as usual- because you just have to try again all the things you remember taste so good- well...I had to have a couple of ice creams! And far too much chocolate! There was also a special chocolate festival!
 All that effort for loosing 8 kg last couple of months or so.....oh don't make me cross with myself...I am back on salads now! I will start my water aerobics and Zumba classes!

The weather wasn't warm and sunny but it didn't matter to me and my little sister as we entertained ourselves with karaoke singing until late at night!

Now back to London, back home...with sweet ( and savoury) memories!

In my dad's garden/patio after a meal - this day was quite pleasant  not too warm but not too cold but it rained later!

some of the lovely food Patrizia cooked  - buffet style- tortino di riso con asparagi, polpettine di melanzane, salumi, torta di spinachi e formaggio, etc...

soem of the things contained animals, which I didn't eat...but nevertheless great to photograph!

Pluto, the dog...always waiting for leftovers!

Oh, the cake! Chocolate almond, yum.
It was a belated celebration of my dear sister's 20th birthday - with family.

Laura, my sister, eating the cake!

Morgana and Laura playing ping pong after hour later it poured down!

well, we had a sunny day the day after we went to Roma centro! this is the fontana in Piazza di our water bottle!

you can see the Spanish Steps behind us just about...and no we didn't go that way up but the side road up to Pincio and the gorgeous park Villa Borghese, which was lovely with all the  blossoms in bloom near the fountain and on the grass...thousands of daisies...

Passeggiata a Villa Borghese

Dipping feet in the fountain- a must for all children!

Tra le margherite

a sunny day and warmish day in Rome...a spring day!

smiling because we had a gorgeous peace of pizza bianca and was thinking about the gelato I was going to get in a couple of hours from then...

Morgana is very good at daisy chains! making one for her auntie Laura

down to Piazza del Popolo

chilling out on the statue

Galleria Alberto Sordi, Morgana's first ever Fanta drink!
( cool bottle!)

we went to Ostia in the late afternoon to say good bye to the bel mare...

Ciao Roma, see you soon again!

1 comment:

  1. I love the first ever Fanta drink picture. Do you remember when we went for a meal, us parents that are so careful with what our children eat, and when the waiter asked what drinks we would like the four year old girls instantly replied. "Diet Coke" said Poppy; "White wine" said Morgana. I still laugh when I think about it
