Air, Water, Earth, Fire

All about life ...Air, Water, Earth, Fire

Monday 25 April 2011

Green Living

When I search around I do find things...there are people out there in this area and in the rest of London, Uk, Europe, The Wide World! There are people who care, who have the power and the knowledge to continue natural gardening , biodynamics, organic gardening and much more...people who care for our planet.
I am now spoiled for choice!

Kensington Gardens

Such a sunny day on Good Friday went to Peter Pan Playground...amazing but daughter Morgana loved it but wants to return when not so busy! So aftera homemade elderflower lemonade drink went to sit under a tree to read instead while I watched a good volleyball match!

Saturday we went to Regent's Park with firends, on pedalling boat in the 'lake' and returned boat just in time as the BIG STORM approached!

We took turns pedalling!

amazing show in the lake...
as we past these birds they moved place and one after the other all shifted by one place going all the way down one by one until only one stayed, like a domino effect!

We love boats and water...only the night before we were on the Thames Clipper! Here is a pic taken from it!

above all Easter was fun as we saw friends and had a lovely time as a family
Holidays are time to be together like this poster says on the DLR train station Cutty Sark!
Hope you all had time to be together too!

Happy Easter
( have hot cross buns in the oven..mmmmmm!)

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