Air, Water, Earth, Fire

All about life ...Air, Water, Earth, Fire

Sunday 13 March 2011

SilK Dying

A few months ago I had a go at Silk Dying with natural herbs like marigold, chamomile and tumeric...
At Greenwich Steiner School's kitchens stirring the silk in the infusions, stirring stirring the pot for at least 1/2 hour or more!

Checking the colour, then dipping in more silk scarves...we used the same pot for different batches of scarves and the result was always a different shade...

when silk scarves were wet we ironed them and then put them on the clothes horse to finish drying

pretty golden colours...
I couldn't resist wearing one!
A lovely shade of mellow yellow!
I enjoyed this workshop so much I am planning to do more dying soon!
Waiting for the spring flowers now....

Wake up,wake up all you little children
Sunlight, sky bright,
Spring is coming now.
Gusty murch winds blowing,
Daffodils a-blowing,
Birds sing, bells ring,
There's blossom on the bough.

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