Air, Water, Earth, Fire

All about life ...Air, Water, Earth, Fire

Saturday 19 March 2011

Food for Health and Vitality

Food for health and vitality

Choose foods that live and grow
Choose food that is beautiful and colourful
Choose food that grows near you: local
Choose food that is fresh and seasonal
Choose food that you like and enjoy eating
Eat food with pleasure
Eat food and respect its energies
Eat the food that gives you good energy
Eat food and say thank you to nature
Eat food that is natural: organic
Eat when hungry
Eat slowly and chew well
Eat a variety of foods of all types
and not the same every day and every week.
Eat what you need for the day
Eat what you need and don’t over eat!
Eat for your body and for your soul/spirit
Eat in company if you can
Even if it is only the radio!
Enjoy your life and respect your body.


All above cooked with love by me!
x Susannah

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