Air, Water, Earth, Fire

All about life ...Air, Water, Earth, Fire

Saturday 12 February 2011


Out of the frozen earth below,
Out of the melting of the snow,
    No flower, but a film, I push to light;
No stem, no bud yet I have burst
The bars of winter, I am the first
    O Sun, to greet thee out of the night!
Deep in the warm sleep underground
Life is still, and the peace profound:
Yet a beam that pierced, and a thrill
    that smote
Call’d me and drew me from far away;
I rose, I came, to the open day
    I have won, unshelter’d, alone, remote.
                     –  “THE CROCUS,”
                          HARRIET E. H. KING

Go to this amazing link.I LOVE it!!!!

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