Air, Water, Earth, Fire

All about life ...Air, Water, Earth, Fire

Saturday 26 February 2011

Birthday Fairies and wishing for sunshine

The Birthday Fairies are making my girl happy...her friends are having fun: you should hear the three of them upstairs squeaking!
Tomorrow it should be sunny too...what a blessing.
The class mates are going to make puppets in the morning in a workshop and then the bigger 5 girls will go swimming in the pool togehter...then all back to our house for party nibbles and games....
I like organizing parties and making a is good to have a basic structure and order, the breathing in and out it's so important, our parties are always fun everybody says...ah the food...of course...well daddy made an upsidedown pineapple cake this afternoon and I made a crostata di nutella...which we are going to have at 11 am with candles and is a perfect time for sugar kick as they will burn it off during swimming!


Last week we went to Wales to see Morgana's grandparents and family. She wanted to take her cello and this is her performing for us.
In Wales we always do the same things: go on the bus to Parthcawl to see the sea and have fish and chips ( well I have just chips as I am veggie!)

By the sea

She walked on the rocks towards the sea
My Morgana, the sea dweller, the sea fairy...
By the sea she is always water girl
my little fish, my mermaid!

And that makes me happy too!

1 comment:

  1. I loved rock-hopping as a child...
    wait a sec, I still do!!! :)

    It's good to hear Morgana had a good birthday.

    xx Hannah xx
